Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thinking in CPP Vol01 ---- free download ebook

          Thinking in C++,
          Volume 1, 2nd Edition
          Bruce Eckel, President,
          MindView, Inc.

         1: Introduction to Objects
         2: Making & Using Objects
         3: The C in C++
         4: Data Abstraction
         5: Hiding the Implementation
         6: Initialization & Cleanup
         7: Function Overloading & Default Arguments
         8: Constants
         9: Inline Functions
        10: Name Control
        11: References & the Copy-Constructor
        12: Operator Overloading
        13: Dynamic Object Creation
        14: Inheritance &Composition
        15: Polymorphism & Virtual Functions
        16: Introduction to Templates
        A: Coding Style
        B: Programming Guidelines


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