Saturday, February 7, 2009

Python Tutorial

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Python Tutorial

Guido van Rossum
Fred L Drake Jr edito

 Whetting Your Appetite
 Using the Python Interpreter
 Invoking the Interpreter                    
 The Interpreter and Its Environment                
 An Informal Introduction to Python
 Using Python as a Calculator                  
 First Steps Towards Programming                 
 More Control Flow Tools
 if Statements                      
 for Statements                      
 The range() Function                    
 break and continue Statements and else Clauses on Loops         
 pass Statements                     
 Defining Functions                     
 More on Defining Functions                   
 Data Structures
 More on Lists                      
 The del statement                     
 Tuples and Sequences                    
 Looping Techniques                     
 More on Conditions                     
 Comparing Sequences and Other Types                
 More on Modules                     
 Standard Modules                     
 The dir() Function                    
 Input and Output
 Fancier Output Formatting                   
 Reading and Writing Files                   
 Errors and Exceptions
 Syntax Errors                      
 Handling Exceptions                    
 Raising Exceptions                     
 User-defined Exceptions                    
 Defining Clean-up Actions                   
 A Word About Terminology                   
 Python Scopes and Name Spaces                 
 A First Look at Classes                    
 Random Remarks                     
 Private Variables                      
 Odds and Ends                      
 Exceptions Are Classes Too                   
 Brief Tour of the Standard Library
 Operating System Interface                   
 File Wildcards                      
 Command Line Arguments                   
 Error Output Redirection and Program Termination             
 String Pattern Matching                    
 Internet Access                      
 Dates and Times                      
 Data Compression                     
 Performance Measurement                   
 Quality Control                      
 Batteries Included                     
 What Now?
A Interactive Input Editing and History Substitution
A Line Editing                       
A History Substitution                     
A Key Bindings                      
A Commentary                       
B Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations
B Representation Error                     
C History and License
C History of the software                    
C Terms and conditions for accessing or otherwise using Python           


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